Government of Hitler
1. Hitler’s Government called the Third Reich (third empire) claimed dictorial
powers over Germany
2. The Third Reich prohibited Jews and non-Nazis form holding gov’t jobs, outlawed
strikes, and made military service mandatory
3. Hitler rearmed the country in violation of the treaty of Versailles
Claimed that rearmament strengthened the economy and
reduced unemployment
4. March 1936 German troops moved into the Rhineland two years later they overtook
5. 1935 Hitler instituted the Nuremberg Laws which deprived the Jews of their citizenship
and authorized the destruction of Jewish property
Many wealthy and famous Jewish people were able to find
refuge abroad, however the vast majority had no place to turn.
fighting begins
1. In response to Germany’s aggression Britain and France announced that they
would go to war if Germany was to attack Poland.
They called on the Soviet Union to join them to stop
further German aggression
Instead Joseph Stalin signed a nonaggression pact with
The pact called for Germany and the Soviet Union to
not attack each other
2. Sept 1 1939 Germany invaded Poland, two days later the Allies declared War on Germany
3. U.S. outwardly remained neutral while they sold war supplies to Britian under the
Lend Lease Act
4. May 1940 the German Blitzkrieg (lightning warfare) continued, Germany went around
the heavily fortified Maginot Line
Occupy France in less than one month British forces
are evacuated across the English Channel to England
5. July 1941 Japan continues its expansion into Indochina
President Roosevelt in response froze all Japanese assets
in the United States, and set up an embargo on shipment of gasoline, tools, scrap Iron, a steel to Japan
6. Shortly before 8:00 am December 7, 1941 the Japanese launched their attack on the
U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor Hawaii
20 warships, 200 aircraft, and 2400 U.S. sailors are
killed in the attack
7. The next day President Roosevelt asked for a declaration of war against Japan,
Congress quickly approved